Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I can't believe it but I haven't blogged in 7 months! It's a new year though, and although I do not make resolutions per se, I am using the dawning of 2013 as a reason to recommit myself to documenting our boring little lives. :) Our kids change too fast. Julianna is almost ONE! And I want to remember the silly things they say and do right now, before they are suddenly 25 and I wonder where the time has gone. So, I'm not making any aggressive goals like "I'll blog once a week" or "ever" but here I am, trying. We had a really lovely Christmas and New Year's with our families. The last week we were in Amelia Island and Jonathan was in heaven with cousins, grandparents, a heated-to-90-degrees swimming pool and trains galore. Julianna had good days and bad, but her high point was defnitely an early birthday celebration when she devoured a piece of cake in about 10 seconds flat, miraculously without getting any in her hair, clothes or ears. It was actually quite remarkable and a total opposite of Jonathan's experience which has caused him to have a strained relationship with cake to this day. We're having a party for Jules on her birthday, this Saturday. Let's hope for a good mood day. This little lady is such a cliche - total drama queen!

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