Saturday, July 24, 2010


For a month or so, Jonathan has been hovering on the verge of all of these major milestones:
  • He loves to stand holding on to people and things, but isn't quite ready to cruise yet.
  • He can pull almost up to standing but needs a teeny extra boost to make it.
  • He throws himself from sitting onto his hands and knees and reaches soooo far for toys, sometimes flopping on his tummy, but hasn't figured out how to crawl yet.
  • He can go from tummy back to sitting with just the littlest help from mom or dad, but not on his own.
I feel like any minute now he is just going to explode all at once into toddlerhood, leaving us sputtering in his wake, wondering what happened to our baby boy.

And tonight, the first little "pop" went off when I was getting ready to put him in bed. I had put him sitting in his crib while I went to open the window to let in some humid air (I am thinking the croup may be making an encore appearance). Once I had opened it, I turned around to see him...standing up!!!

With a big smile on his face, as if to say "watch out world, here I come!"

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Busy Weekend

We had a bit of a hectic weekend, but a very fun one!

Friday night we enjoyed dinner at our old standby, Taco Mac, with Jeff and Jaime. We always have a good time with the LaMores.

Saturday we had a relaxing few hours before heading over to my parents' condo for the family pool party. We managed to get some good swimming time in and avoided the storms.

Today we had our friends Jodi and Justin's baby naming for little Sydney. It was a lovely ceremony and I got to eat my favorite thing - kugel! Jonathan was pretty good except as expected during the most quiet moments of the ceremony, he decided it was time to declare "NYA NYA NYA GAGAGAGA" at the top of his lungs.

And finally, tonight, our friends David and Heidi came over for BBQ. A fun and FULL weekend!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Jonathan lately

Here are some pics of Jonathan being his silly little self this week.

He wants to crawl so badly! And he is THISCLOSE to pulling up, just needs a little boost. Once up, he much enjoys standing and squealing while the dogs come up and lick his hands and face.

Mmmm, avocado. But it's so slippery.

Made it to the mouth!

Yay for standing!

I think I can, I think I can...

Nope, I can't.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


This post is personal, kind of dark, and not about Jonathan. Apologies in advance.

A girl I knew in high school died.

I didn't know her terribly well, but we were friendly. We didn't hang out outside of school, but we'd sit together at lunch every once in a while. We signed each other's yearbooks in the style of "Hey chica! I hope we have some classes together next year. Have a great summer!"

A casual friendship, never really reaching below the surface.

Christina was the smartest girl in our class, bar none, and probably the smartest person I have ever met. She was equally amazing at literature, history, math and science. She was a fantastic violinist. She was thin and athletic. She had a cute smile and a great attitude.

I truly admired her, but in sort of a distant way. Maybe on some level I was intimidated. Maybe I was lazy - happy with the close group of friends that I had. Maybe I thought since she was a little quiet and shy, it was too much trouble and effort to get to know her better.

Now that this amazing person is gone, I am filled with regret.

To be a proper tribute, this post should be about her incredible accomplishments, her giving nature, her impact on others, the inspirational passion and skill she had developed over recent years for mountain climbing, but honestly, that feels inauthentic coming from me. Because it is only now, after her death, that I am finding out what a rich and inspiring life she led.

I regret that I didn't have this person in my life and now it's too late.

And I regret that the world will never see what Christina could have done if she had only had more time.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

9 Month Appointment

Jonathan had his 9-month appointment today and according to his Czech doctor, "he is pairrrrfect!"

Here are the stats - 20 lbs, 14 oz (50th%) and 28.5 inches (75th%).

I know Jeremy is happy he appears to be getting taller, so that in spite of my less than stellar athletic prowess he still has a chance to play basketball.

He's not crawling or pulling up yet, but the doctor says he has great muscle tone and probably just doesn't feel like doing those things. Great - we have a stubborn one over here!

And, it sounds like we are feeding him all the right things and he is right on track with learning to feed himself - i.e. bringing bits to the vicinity of his face, dropping them into his lap and proceeding to chew distractedly as if the piece had actually made it in there.

The cutest thing is that when he does make it into his mouth he looks at us wide-eyed, giggles, bounces and flaps his arms in joy, so proud of his accomplishment. Sadly, because of this demonstration, the food particles sometimes fall back out of his mouth, and we begin anew.

The best part was when we got clearance to switch out breastmilk for Diet Mountain Dew*. Jonathan is thrilled.

*I kid, I kid.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Trip to Wyoming

I would love to write a big, sweeping novel of an entry on our trip out West to see my parents, but frankly, I'm lazy - and let's be honest, that would bore you, wouldn't it? So here is a checklist version of our trip. Photos to come as soon as I can get the 47 memory cards from Jeremy and sort through the 55,829 photos to find a few gems.

Don't hold your breath.

- Elk, pronghorn, moose and bear sightings. Check!

- Cool weather, snow-topped mountains and beautiful sunsets. Check!

- A good balance of lazy afternoons on the porch swing and challenging hikes. Check!

- Two days in Yellowstone sans baby (thanks mom and dad). Check!

- The happiest 9-month-old ever, splashing in the kiddie pool, swinging at the playground and taking 2-hour naps for the first time in his life. Check!

Truly the recipe for a perfect vacation.

Next year we are thinking about going in September to see the leaves change. Only 425 more days to go!