Thursday, March 31, 2011

Jonathan is 18 Months!

Jonathan is halfway between 1 and 2! Depending on the moment, sometimes he seems like a 1-year-old baby to me, and other times he seems more like a big 2-year-old kid.

He had a great 18-month appointment with Doctor B today. His stats:
- 25lbs, 14oz (just under 50th%)
- 31.25 inches (75th%)
- "Healthy as an ox and cute as a puppy!"

Monday, March 28, 2011

Jonathan will be 18 months on Wednesday and like they say happens around this time, his vocabulary has really exploded recently! I am going to try to list the words that he says now, but I am sure I will forget some:

"bashka bashka" (basketball)
"butt-ball" (football, but also used to refer to the basement)
more (with signs)
"ooh, ooh" (monkey sound)
"duck duck" (what a duck says)
"neigh neigh"
"dit dee" (get down)
"hoo-hoo" (sound an owl makes)
"GohGohGooooh" (cockadoodle doo)
"Uhheeeeeeeeeuh" (sound an elephant makes)
"Zzzzzzzz" (sound a bee makes)
"AUGGHHH!" (sound a lion makes)
::Smack, smack:: (sound a fish makes)
not nice (what teachers and parents say when toddlers misbehave)
head (also refers to Mr. Potato Head)
beebee (belly button)
"nonny" (yummy, which he repeats frantically while I am preparing his food)
Barbara (his teacher)
Mr. Marbles (the name of the little stuffed dog he sleeps with)

WHEW! 47 words! Since his vocab is so big and growing so fast, I imagine that will be the last time we can even count them.

How did our baby transform into this little giggly, wiggly chatterbox??

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fun day at Grandma and Papa's House

Saturday, all of the Duguid grandchildren were together for the first time ever. Fun cousins coupled with a beautiful evening in the 70s made for a fantastic time!
In attendance:
Jadyn, 10
Jayce, 2
Maggie, 3
Will, 11 months
Jonathan, 1

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Weekend Recap

We had a fun and busy weekend! Maybe borderline too busy...that's something I need to work on. But we had a great time anyway!

On Saturday we visited with Grandpa David for a while. Jonathan was a bit shy at first, but warmed up quickly and was running around showing off all of his new animal-noise talents in no time.

After naptime (for Jonathan, not us, sadly), we went for a hike at Jones Bridge Park in Duluth. It was so beautiful! I would love to go back once the flowers are in bloom. Jonathan had a blast in the carrier, schlepped by Jeremy, thank goodness.

Straight from our hike we went to dinner with the LaMore's and had yummy burgers at Luckie's in Roswell.

Sunday morning we went to our first session of The Music Class. For one hour, Heather, our patient teacher tried to herd 6 toddlers (and their parents) and get them to participate in actual music-making. Jonathan was a deer in headlights for most of it, and ran around knocking on windows and squatting in the corner for the rest. I think once he gets the hang of it, he will like it. As a special treat, we get to attend class with our friends Justin, Jodi and their little sweet 11-month-old, Sydney!

Sunday afternoon my friend Joanne came over with her cute little boy, Owen. He is a super precious and plump little 7 month old. Sometimes I miss the days of immobile, nonverbal, chunky babyhood. ::Swoon:: We played for a bit and went for a walk in a nearby park.

Finally, Sunday night we had dinner at Jer's parents' house. A delicious and fun time was had by all!

Whew! I'm exhausted just in time to start the hectic workweek.