Friday, January 11, 2013

Julianna is One!

We hosted family for Julianna's birthday party on Saturday.  I cannot believe our (likely last) baby is one already.  It is certainly bittersweet.  On the one hand, we'll probably never have a tiny little squishy baby again and on the other, she is becoming more fun and filled with toddlery mischief every day.  I absolutely love the time between one and two!

The party was really awesome.  Our friend Jaime was in town and we had a lot of fun with her over the weekend.  Plus, she helped a ton with the party - couldn't have done it without her.  It being so soon after Christmas, and just having gotten back from vacation a few days before, I did not go crazy with a theme and hard core decorations.  We straightened up the house and hung up some pretty tissue pom poms and that's about it.

The kids alternated between playing in the basement and watching Cars 2 in the family room, and the adults mostly stayed upstairs, ate and chatted.  There may have been some fawning over Jules and her super cute birthday outfit.  She was in a fantasticly happy and silly mood all day.

It was a simple celebration in this time of crazy Pinterest-inspired overproduced events but it could not have been a more special way to celebrate our little beauty..

Photos to come shortly...

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I can't believe it but I haven't blogged in 7 months! It's a new year though, and although I do not make resolutions per se, I am using the dawning of 2013 as a reason to recommit myself to documenting our boring little lives. :) Our kids change too fast. Julianna is almost ONE! And I want to remember the silly things they say and do right now, before they are suddenly 25 and I wonder where the time has gone. So, I'm not making any aggressive goals like "I'll blog once a week" or "ever" but here I am, trying. We had a really lovely Christmas and New Year's with our families. The last week we were in Amelia Island and Jonathan was in heaven with cousins, grandparents, a heated-to-90-degrees swimming pool and trains galore. Julianna had good days and bad, but her high point was defnitely an early birthday celebration when she devoured a piece of cake in about 10 seconds flat, miraculously without getting any in her hair, clothes or ears. It was actually quite remarkable and a total opposite of Jonathan's experience which has caused him to have a strained relationship with cake to this day. We're having a party for Jules on her birthday, this Saturday. Let's hope for a good mood day. This little lady is such a cliche - total drama queen!