Sunday, October 24, 2010


Jonathan has definitely started saying some words!

In addition to "ball," which is his absolute favorite, he now says "uh-oh" (upon throwing his sippy or other noisy toy on the ground) and "daddy/dada." I think he may also be saying "doggie" because sometimes when Emmy comes over to lick him in the eyes/ears/mouth he squeals "deedee!!" Finally, he has been saying "mah, mah" while eating for a long time. I am pretty sure now that he means "more" so maybe we need to count that one as his first word.

We are loving this new verbal stage and I just can't wait til I hear that first "mama!"

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sippy cup confusion, diaper rash hell

Things have been crazy lately. I feel like I can barely catch my breath. I just launched a new product at work that has required a ton of work, and on top of that, Jonathan has been sick with a terrible fever and now the most stubborn, yeast-infested diaper rash of all time.

Doctor visits, expensive prescription creams and still it continues to spread and turn his whole diaper area crimson and sand-papery. It's gotten to the point that he won't stay still for diaper changes and tries to reach down and scratch because it itches so much. Screaming and crying all the time. We might be turning the corner now with a huge production of butt-soaking in the sink, Lotrimin AF and messy corn starch that has gotten everywhere.

Also, a quick note about sippy cups: they suck. After visiting Babies R Us, Publix, Target and Walmart ::shudder:: I finally found ONE two-pack of sippies that doesn't include a pink or purple cup. Do they not make sippies for boys??? And we are struggling to find a spout that he will drink from. Since switching to cow's milk his liquid intake has gone WAY down. I worry that he isn't getting enough fluids.

Life is definitely a little on the hectic side right now. Hoping for calmer times and smoother bottoms ahead.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Well, obviously I've been extra busy lately. :( I am going to try really hard to be a better blogger.

For now, here are some pics from Jonathan's first haircut and from his party.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


That was Jonathan's fever last night. :( I hate when our little boy is sick.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Jonathan's Party

We had such a great time with Jonathan's party last weekend! The weather was just right so we were able to use our basement, our new screened porch and the backyard. The Bag-o game was a hit with all the kids.

I think Jonathan was a bit overwhelmed by it all. Not sure he cracked a smile the whole time and even while eating his cake he alternated between shoveling frosting into his mouth and making sad faces and whimpers. It was all a bit much for little man, but the rest of us had a good time.

Last time I mentioned he is saying "ball" now - is he ever!! First thing when he wakes up in the morning - "Ball?" Last thing he says as we lay him in his crib at night, softly, longingly - "Bahhhhhh..." And about every two minutes in between too.

We made the transition to cow's milk this week - he appears to not have noticed, and in traditional Jonathan style, has gulped it down happily.

Every month with Jonathan just gets better and better. I wonder if that's true forever, or if in a couple of years we'll look back and think, "I wish we could go back to _____ age - that was the peak of adorableness." So far anyway, he just gets more precious and fun each day.