Thursday, June 24, 2010

My weight loss secret?

A stomach virus.


Jonathan's "Great Croup Incident of '10" turned first me, then Jeremy, into bed-bound, feverish sickies the first part of this week.

Thankfully, we appear to be well. Keep your fingers crossed as we head to Wyoming this weekend.

On the plus side, I lost 2.5 lbs in the span of 3 days. So, that's cool. Or something.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Our ER Adventure

Thursday night started just like any other night. Jonathan had a diaper rash and had had a runny nose for a few days, nothing too unusual. We put him in bed around 7:45, enjoyed some TV and prepped his food for the next day.

Right before I was going to head upstairs at about 10:15, I heard a funny rhythmic sound on the monitor. Could that be Jonathan's breathing?? It had never sounded like that before. I ran upstairs to check him out and he was still asleep, but wheezing and squeaking in the weirdest way. He was struggling to breathe.

I decided to wake him up, thinking if I held him upright, it would get better, or maybe it was just a matter of suctioning out his nose and all would be fine.


He opened his eyes, looked at me with panic on his face and continued to wheeze and gasp for air. At this moment, Jeremy could hear the new, louder gasping and was running up the stairs as I came down them.

I dialed 911. Jonathan looked panic-stricken. He sounded like his windpipe was almost completely blocked. I thought about food allergies and anaphylactic shock. I could barely communicate with the operator while Jeremy held Jonathan.

The longest time passed - maybe 5 minutes but it felt like forever - before the paramedics got here. I rode with Jonathan in the ambulance while Jeremy drove.

Jonathan was such a brave boy. But honestly, I think he would have been wailing if he could have - he literally couldn't make any noises other than the gasping.

We got to the ER at about 11 and were able to see a doctor by 11:45. The diagnosis: croup.

Croup is caused by a virus and causes a barky cough (which Jonathan barely had due to the breathing issues) and a constricted airway. While it can be serious, it usually isn't.

After a dose of a steroid, his breathing returned close to normal. He snuck a little smile at the doctor. He showed a little interest in chewing his rings. And finally, we knew all was well when we heard that sweet little voice - "bababa."

We were home by 12:30. Ultimately, not a terrible ER experience although I am sure we will feel differently when we get the bill.

We were so relieved it wasn't a food allergy. Or him choking on something.

Today he is somewhat better - just very sleepy, running a low-grade fever and little appetite.

But last night, in those few minutes between getting him out of bed and the arrival of the paramedics, we felt a level of terror we never want to feel again.

Jonathan in the ambulance

Jonathan checking out the check-in desk at the hospital

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Happy boy, great weekend

Jonathan was such a happy boy this weekend - Jeremy and I agreed this was the best mood we've seen him in for two straight days - EVER.

Saturday morning we got up and went to the Farmer's Market. If it weren't so expensive, I think we'd do it every weekend, but maybe we'll make it just a once-a-month treat. We got some fresh blueberries, potatoes, squash, zuchini, chicken sausage and bread and cooked a good portion of it for dinner that night - yum!

Sunday we went over to the Nagel's house - I had known David in high school and now he, his wife and their precious little girl live right around the corner from us. We had a great time and will have to get together again with them soon! :)

I think this weekend was especially nice because it was just so relaxed and slow-paced. Also, Jonathan was sweet, snuggly and debuted some new sounds - "mamamama" and "babababa." (Gaga is no longer cool, just FYI.)

Some pics of him happy after his favorite activity, eating:

In this one Jer caught him midway through "Mama" (not referring to me, sadly, just babbling).

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Trip to the doc

We had an unplanned doctor's visit today.

Gotta love when the daycare number pops up on my office phone in the middle of the day. Miss Lourdes explained as delicately as possible that Jonathan had red spots and a blister on his...diaper area. That's not what she said, but I'll spare you the details.

Apparently he had been fussy and refusing to sit upright all day long due to the discomfort.

He did not have any redness when I had changed his diaper this morning - but of course I felt like a complete idiot of a mom. Like, the daycare ladies have to be saying to each other, "How could she not have seen this developing? So neglectful. Tsk tsk."

So off to the doctor we went. Diaper rash and a possible staph infection were the diagnoses.

I know how serious staph infections can be, so we'll hopefully nip this in the bud quickly, and ideally without me having a panic attack about it.

It's been seven hours since we got home and I still haven't Googled, so that's good.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Birthday Weekend

It's been a nice birthday weekend, even though I think 31 is depressing. See why at my Kudzu blog.

Jeremy's parents watched Jonathan on Friday night and we went out to dinner with Jeff and Jaime - Eclipse di Luna, my favorite! Then we went back to the basement for a bit of Wii bowling and too many mixed drinks. It was a blast but I paid for it the next morning!

The next day was my birthday and I was in a little bit of a funk for the first part of the day. I think I realized that even though it's nice to have some time away from the baby, I am honestly happier when he is around. :) It just feels natural to have our whole family together, even if that means I'll never get to sleep in or take a nap again.

We ran some errands in the late afternoon and Jonathan was in a sweet, social mood. The checkout lady at Publix commented that "she" was very cute. Jer cooked up the fancy birthday dinner I was hoping for - grilled hot dogs, tater tots and baked beans!! Basic, but perfect.

On tap for today: a shopping trip to Bloomingdales courtesy of mom and a burger cookout at Jo and Jim's in the evening.

Great weekend!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sleep Deprived

No, not me, surprisingly. I am sleeping great! Have been ever since February when Jonathan started sleeping through the night.

The little guy is not getting enough sleep, specifically enough daytime sleep. Babies this age need 14 hours in a 24 hour period and Jonathan is getting closer to 12, 11 at night and 1 during the day - spread across 2 or 3 naplets.

He is a naturally poor napper. But at daycare, he is far worse than at home. I truly don't know if it's something that can change (are the teachers not trying hard enough, not recognizing his sleepy signals, etc) or if it's unavoidable (too much activity and noise from other children).

Things have come to a head recently with daycare pushing the babies to a one nap schedule which will be the rule in the next room. They are already trying to force him into the one nap schedule 2 months before the transition to Busy Bees (how CUTE is that name??) - to "prepare" him.

Sorry, but my 8-month-old is not ready to cut down to one nap!!

::Takes a deep, cleansing breath::

They've assured me they will respond to his needs and not force him to stay awake until 11:30 right now and that realistically he won't get on that schedule until the fall or winter.

I will be watching them like a hawk to make sure they honor that promise.

Mama Bear says "GRRRR!" >:(

The view through my car's back window after we get home each afternoon