Friday, April 30, 2010

7 Months Old!

Happy 7 months to Jonathan!

Jonathan had an interesting week at school.

I feel like they are adding children to his room every day. I don't even know all their names anymore.

One of the teachers said to me, "We got another little one here today - now we have two Ryans!" My response: "Wait, we have a Ryan?"

Jonathan is also apparently quite the hungry little man. A couple of the teachers approached me Wednesday afternoon for a solids intervention.

They told me he would scream bloody murder every time he finished his fruits and veggies. I guess William, who is one month older, is eating like 16 oz of solids at daycare every day and Jonathan was eating more like 4!

My research shows that solids are still mostly for practice, not for calories at this age, so we're striking a compromise and sending in 7-8 oz for now. Results from today and yesterday? Encouraging. No blood curdling screams.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Date Night

We had a really nice weekend, complete with our first real date night since Jonathan was born. He went to stay with Grandma and Papa for the whole night!

Jer and I went to Eclipse di Luna and then to see Date Night (appropriately enough). Loved it! It did feel a little weird to go to sleep and feel like we were forgetting something - or someone - but I felt really confident that Jonathan was in great hands, so I wasn't worried in the least.

Here's the annoying thing: Saturday morning we woke up at 5:15 to loud claps of thunder outside and were mostly awake the rest of the morning. No sleeping in for me on the one morning I could have.

Here's the doubly annoying thing: Jonathan slept in until 8:15 at Jo and Jim's house, later than he has ever slept for me!


Having a huge high-calorie meal at Cracker Barrel later that morning made things a little better though.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

We have a roller!

FINALLY, at almost 7 months old, Jonathan rolled over tonight for the very first time!

During our usual nighttime ritual/screamfest that is tummy time, he finally got annoyed enough to thrust his upper body over to the side and then kicked those fat little legs over to follow.

He continued to cry after he'd rolled but he paused for a moment, shocked, when I squealed with delight. Followed by more crying.

This has been such an amazing month in his development. This month alone, J-
- sat unassisted
- started solid foods
- laughed for real for the first time
- rolled over for the first time

He is becoming a big boy right before our eyes.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

We had a great weekend! We started out with no plans which was really nice. My New Year's resolution was to make fewer plans and I have been moderately successful at that at best.

But this weekend we planned nothing. Friday night we ended up running out to Mellow Mushroom and sat outside - it was such a nice, warm evening. Jonathan was a doll.

Then on Saturday we decided to go visit Jer's sister Jen and her new baby, Will. It was fun to see Jonathan and Will together - I can't believe he has grown that much in only six months! I am so excited for Jonathan and Will to play together - starting in about a year there will be two little boys racing around after each other at family functions.
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Today we enjoyed a quick hike at the river. This is probably Jonathan's last time in the Bjorn. He is getting too big for it. Time to break out the Kelty!
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Also, as promised - green beans! Jonathan tried them for the first time and he LOVED them. So proud of our good little eater!
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Hope everyone had a good weekend, too!
Annie :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Our little eating machine

Jonathan loves to eat.

When I get him out of his crib in the morning, he is cheery and smiley for about 30 seconds until he realizes he's hungry. Then things take a turn for the worse as he gets annoyed and begins lunging, mouth agape, into my neck, arm, whatever is in the general vicinity that he can try to latch onto.

He would nurse for 45 minutes every time if I let him (but I have little things that get in the way like going to work, eating, sleeping, etc) and when he takes bottles at daycare, he sucks the bottles dry every time and pouts about it afterwards.

So it comes as no surprise that he has taken quite well to solids over the past two weeks. Here is what we've tried so far:

  • Rice cereal
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Pears

Sunday we'll be introducing green beans which will be the real test. Is it possible for Jeremy's son to like green veggies? Stay tuned...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

New to blogging

Well, I've tried it before - and failed. This is my second attempt at blogging. The first time I think I made it two posts in and stopped for lack of passion and time.

Of course that was before I had Jonathan - now I have plenty of passion but even less time. Guess only time will tell what that formula means for this blog.

I hope to use this forum to update friends and family on our (possibly mundane) family activities and Jonathan's latest milestones and miraculous feats.

Thanks for reading!
Annie :)