Saturday, January 22, 2011

Proof that he is my son

Jonathan is quite the talker. He doesn't have some astronomical number of actual words. He isn't saying, "Mother dear, may I please have a glass of water" or anything, but he just never stops talking! For the most part, in his own little language.

"Daddeee!! Buttball, boysha boysha nabalada ah-ah. Ball."

But he does have a pretty good number of actual words under his belt at this point, so I thought I would chronicle them here:

Football ("buttball")
"Ah-ah" - the sound every animal makes
Daddy - useful for describing actual daddy, plus mommy and any other person in the vicinity
What's This? (which is an embarrassing one because it sounds like "Oh Sh*t")
Get down / sit down ("Dit Dee")
Shoe ("Sssssss")
Throw it ("Ba-doh it!")

Just today he started saying "No-no-no-no-no" a bunch. I don't think he meant it to mean "no" but maybe I'm wrong and this is the start of true toddlerhood. In the words of Jonathan, "Oh Sh*t."

Friday, January 21, 2011

We thought our kid was a genius

And of course, he is a genius.

But not in exactly the way we thought.

A bunch of different times recently, Jonathan has looked up at the TV and correctly pointed out that there is a football game on. "BUTTball! BUTTball!"

"Wow," we thought, "he can tell a football game from other stuff on TV!"

Or so we thought - until a few days ago when we had the news or something on in the background and Jonathan walked up and insisted we were watching football. It's happened another time recently too.

Guess that's what happens when football constitutes 94% of your TV schedule for five months out of the year.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day

Today was a snow day! 5 inches of snow, one of the largest snowfalls in my memory in Atlanta. The beautiful fluffy snow of this morning turned treacherous with sleet and freezing rain falling all day so of course the entire city was shut down and will continue to be shut down through tomorrow.

If Jonathan were 3 or 4 and if Jer and I didn't have the kind of jobs that don't care if it's a snow day, maybe it would have been a little more exciting. However, a 15-month-old + two parents attempting to get work done is not the formula for a fun snow day.

Jonathan was not a fan.

In parental silliness news, Jer went outside all excited to make his first snowman (a Florida boy, after all) but unfortunately it was late in the day after the icy layer had solidified over the snow and his efforts were thwarted. And both Jer and I enjoyed one quick slide down the neighbor's driveway on our plastic ironing board cover. I could have done that all day!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Catching up

So as the young people say these days - "It's been a minute" since the last time I posted. OOPS!

The holidays are so crazy and fun and I just haven't felt the urge or motivation, but it's January, that resolution-y time of year and one of my resolutions is to be better about blogging. Here are a few others -

- Do some things around our house - decorating-wise. I am not thrilled with our house's decor, but I have trouble figuring out exactly what changes I need to make to get to where I want to be. I think I'll start small - switch out the drapes in the family room for something lighter for example. And see what happens from there.

- Watch my portion sizes. I truly believe in all things in moderation - I don't want to go on some silly fad diet that fails immediately because I am so deprived. But it's so easy to just put a little less on my plate. Fewer calories = fewer pounds. I don't need to lose, I just need to maintain and with my lack of exercise, diet's gonna have to carry the weight of that goal (no pun intended).

So, a quick catch-up on the holidays. We hosted Christmas Eve for my family and had a wonderful time. Jer and I worked like crazy around the house all day and got the house in decent shape so that by the time people came over I felt relaxed and just had fun - yay!! I think I like this hosting parties business.

Christmas day was really fun over at Jim and Jo's house. Lots of little nieces and nephews and cousins and such made it a great time, as always. And of course the most amazing thing was the SNOW!! It came down all day in beautiful big flakes and made the perfect backdrop to a relaxing and fun Christmas.

The next day we went down to Amelia Island and spent a fabulous week with my parents, Aunt Lisa, four sweet babysitters (I mean cousins) Ava, Ellie, Abby and Logan and of course, Cricket the wonder dog. We had a fantastic week including walks on the beach, a trip to the zoo and even some pool swimming! Thanks to grandma and grandpa for crankin' the heat up to 90.

Below are some pics to illustrate the fun happenings.
Happy New Year everyone!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Oh yeah, I have a blog

Dear, sweet little blog,
I am so sorry that I have neglected you. Please forgive me. Love, Annie.
PS - I promise to write more later. There is a lot to catch up on!