Tuesday, December 21, 2010

New Sport

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to introduce you to a new sport, "Buttball," possibly invented by my very own child, Jonathan.

In Buttball, men in uniforms and helmets run around on a field, throwing and running an oblong ball down towards the opponent's "End Zone."

To the casual observer, this sport would seem identical to Football. I suppose only Jonathan, and probably a large constituency in the one-year-old community, can see the subtleties that distinguish the two sports.

Enjoy the holidays and all the Buttball-watching, everyone!

Monday, December 13, 2010

File this under "things I don't want to forget"

We had such a fantastic weekend with our friends the Scotts from Orlando! Vic is the singer in a band called Dirty Shannon and was in town to play at a couple of different venues, including a neat old apartment building-turned hotel in midtown. Just for fun, we hired a dog sitter and got a room at the hotel for Saturday night so we could see him perform.

The music was out in the courtyard, right in the center of the hotel - it was such a cool layout! It was really cold out, but Jonathan and I snagged one of their soft, cushy chairs with plenty of room for both of us. They even had fleece blankets at each spot so we snuggled underneath the blanket and enjoyed the music. Jonathan sat still the whole time Vic played, his eyes fixated on the stage. :)

During the next band, he did get a little restless, so I let him walk around the table and he charmed some of the other folks sitting around us. Meanwhile, Sweet little Marli, Vic and Michelle's baby, lay sleeping in her momma's arms. Such a great night.

The next morning, Jonathan let us sleep late. Then when he got up, I gave him a cup of milk and then something wonderful happened - our independent, active little boy snuggled up against me and dozed for another 20 minutes. Heaven.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Just when I started to get worried...

Jonathan started walking again.

Tonight and last night we have played a wonderful game. Jer and I will sit about five feet apart from each other on the floor. One of us will stand Jonathan up and tell him to "walk to daddy" or "walk to mommy." Jonathan gets so excited, smiles big and waddles over to the other parent, then collapses into our arms with a giggle and a sweet snuggle. He'll do it ten times in a row, or right up until the moment the video camera comes out.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Yeah...so...remember that "Walking!" post from a couple of weeks back? Just kidding.

Seriously, total walking regression over here. Like, he hasn't even attempted it in at least a week.

::Sigh:: I'll stop being a helicopter parent now and just let my wonderful child who is perfect just the way he is develop at just the right rate for him.

It's gonna be a long 18 years.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The End

of breastfeeding, that is. Sorry to be so dramatic. But it feels dramatic.

My story of nursing Jonathan begins with a baby born three weeks early, jaundiced and sleepy, unable to latch or suckle and tongue-tied on top of it all. Jonathan never latched at the hospital and the nurses finally convinced me that he needed to have some formula when, on day three, he still hadn't gotten anything to eat. As you can imagine, I felt terrible - that my baby might be hungry or uncomfortable and that I wasn't able to address that need.

But I was determined to breastfeed, even though I could see that to some well-meaning people, I seemed stubborn and inflexible.

"What's wrong with formula? Stop stressing yourself out. It just doesn't work for some people."

True. And for the record, there is nothing wrong with formula. But breastfeeding was important to me. And it was going to work for me. And if it wasn't, I needed to know that I had given it my all.

Lactation consultants set me up with a complicated supplemental nursing system at the hospital and coached me through various hurdles over the phone in the weeks after we got home. Pain and engorgement tried to get the best of me, but did not succeed.

At first, we celebrated small victories like Jonathan taking formula/milk from the supplemental nursing system. Then came successful transfer straight from me with the shield. Then the glorious moment, over a month into the process, when we didn't need the shield anymore.

Without a doubt there was some luck involved. I am lucky that my body knew how to make milk. I am lucky to have had access to lactation consultants from Northside Hospital, and an amazing support group of breastfeeding women at Mom and Me meetings on Tuesdays. I have a lot of wonderful friends and family who have breastfed that I can look to as role models. And most importantly, I am so lucky to have a supportive and loving husband who encouraged and assisted me every step of the way. Without just one of these factors, we may not have succeeded.

But it still bothers me to hear "You're so lucky you could breastfeed." Because the work that Jeremy, Jonathan and I all put in to make this work for our family deserves more respect than that.

And 14 months later, it was all worth it.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


We had a great, if hectic, Thanksgiving. Jonathan took a perfectly timed nap and we headed over to my parents' club, where we always do Thanksgiving with my family. It was such a beautiful day, we were able to eat outside under a tent, which was a nice change.

My dad took a family photo of us, which turned out ok. Jonathan is the happiest little guy and yet lately has been quite sullen in pictures. So here is our best shot:

Lunch was yummy but as usual, stressful for me to try to keep Jonathan fed while also feeding myself. That child loves to eat!

He also quite enjoyed placing green beans and other assorted foodstuffs on top of his head. Then some of the kids came over and played with his hair with greasy hands - who needs hair products?! My sister-in-law catpured some pretty cute photos of that whole situation so here they are, stolen off of Facebook (thanks, Kim!):

Later we went over to my parents' condo, enjoyed some quiet time while Jonathan napped, then enjoyed some chaotic time when he woke up and all the kids got back from their movie. All in all a great Thanksgiving with our happy little boy. :)

I know it is a cliche, but I really am so thankful for everything that we have, from a wonderful little nuclear family, to our big and supportive extended families and all of our great friends. We are lucky and we know it!

Some more pics of Jonathan being silly at the club:

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Jonathan has been so close to taking his first steps for such a long time. He's been crawling for over three months and cruising like a champ for even longer. But each time it looked like he would let go of whatever he was holding onto to go for a toy, he would let go with one hand, step towards it with one foot, but timidly keep that other hand on the table, not quite brave enough to take the plunge.

But not Sunday! Sunday, while we were at my parents' house, Jonathan took about 4 little jerky steps, all on his own. His sweet little face lit up with excitement as we all held our breaths and watched. Each day since then he has repeated his performance, if only very briefly. His balance is actually pretty good - maybe because he is almost 14 months already.

I find myself really looking forward to him truly walking on his own. I imagine the fun times we'll have with our little toddler. He'll wobble around adorably, so proud of himself. He'll run up to us for snuggles when he falls down. Jeremy and I will walk with him between us, bending down to hold his little hands.

I am loving this age of new exciting things - walking and talking. Each day I can't wait to see what he'll do next.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Zoo

We took Jonathan to the zoo today. I think he enjoyed it, but he wasn't quite as smiley and excited as I expected. I think he may have been kind of amazed and shocked at all the animals he saw. I'm pretty sure he just assumed they were all weird-looking dogs ("oyggies") since that's the only animal he's ever seen before. In addition to "Oyggie" he did keep exclaiming "Wow" and "UpBoi!" (Oh boy?) and doing a lot of pointing. My sister Jennifer and her cute daughters Claudia and Rebecca came and we grabbed dinner at Nuevo Laredo afterwards. It was a lot of fun!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Halloween and Weekend with the Daniels

So we actually made it to the neighborhood Halloween party this year! Last year we made a huge effort, getting little one-month-old Jonathan into his doggy costume and dragging him out into the cold rainy day. We made it halfway to the party and turned around - too cold and too rainy for our little guy. And we missed another opportunity to socialize with the neighbors.

But this year was different. We got Jonathan into his monkey costume, he tolerated the head piece and we went to the neighborhood party! It was fun and Jonathan looked cute. He and our neighbor Sammy, 17 months, were both monkeys so that was pretty adorable.

No trick-or-treating this year. Let's be honest - it would have been for us, not Jonathan. Next year, when he is 2, I think we will go to a few houses for sure. I can hardly wait!

This weekend we went to the North GA mountains with friends Jodi and Justin and their little girl Sydney, 7 months. We had a great time even though it was sooo cold! But we stayed at a really nice cabin with a beautiful view and a hot tub so we made do somehow.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cute stuff Jonathan does

Jonathan has started throwing tantrums lately and it is bizarre to see our happy go-lucky little guy totally break down in fits. So instead of focusing on that, let's make this blog entry about positive, cute things Jonathan has done lately!

- We were playing in the basement at the bottom of the stairs when all of a sudden Jeremy appeared at the doorway at the top. Jonathan looked up in surprise and squealed, "DadAAAAAA!!" It was the first time we were sure he said that word with meaning behind it.

- He has started taking a couple of quick steps from me to Jer and vice versa. We aren't really considering them his first steps because he has zero balance and really just falls forward into our arms. He gets so excited when he does it though.

- The other morning, I had Jonathan in my arms and we were saying goodbye to Jer. Jer kissed Jonathan and then he kissed me, a little peck on the lips. Jonathan watched this and did a little double take. He looked at me with these big wide eyes, gave a little smile and buried his head in my chest.

Looking forward to staying at a cabin with Jodi, Justin and Sydney this weekend in Blue Ridge. Pictures from that (and Halloween) to come!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Jonathan has definitely started saying some words!

In addition to "ball," which is his absolute favorite, he now says "uh-oh" (upon throwing his sippy or other noisy toy on the ground) and "daddy/dada." I think he may also be saying "doggie" because sometimes when Emmy comes over to lick him in the eyes/ears/mouth he squeals "deedee!!" Finally, he has been saying "mah, mah" while eating for a long time. I am pretty sure now that he means "more" so maybe we need to count that one as his first word.

We are loving this new verbal stage and I just can't wait til I hear that first "mama!"

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sippy cup confusion, diaper rash hell

Things have been crazy lately. I feel like I can barely catch my breath. I just launched a new product at work that has required a ton of work, and on top of that, Jonathan has been sick with a terrible fever and now the most stubborn, yeast-infested diaper rash of all time.

Doctor visits, expensive prescription creams and still it continues to spread and turn his whole diaper area crimson and sand-papery. It's gotten to the point that he won't stay still for diaper changes and tries to reach down and scratch because it itches so much. Screaming and crying all the time. We might be turning the corner now with a huge production of butt-soaking in the sink, Lotrimin AF and messy corn starch that has gotten everywhere.

Also, a quick note about sippy cups: they suck. After visiting Babies R Us, Publix, Target and Walmart ::shudder:: I finally found ONE two-pack of sippies that doesn't include a pink or purple cup. Do they not make sippies for boys??? And we are struggling to find a spout that he will drink from. Since switching to cow's milk his liquid intake has gone WAY down. I worry that he isn't getting enough fluids.

Life is definitely a little on the hectic side right now. Hoping for calmer times and smoother bottoms ahead.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Well, obviously I've been extra busy lately. :( I am going to try really hard to be a better blogger.

For now, here are some pics from Jonathan's first haircut and from his party.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


That was Jonathan's fever last night. :( I hate when our little boy is sick.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Jonathan's Party

We had such a great time with Jonathan's party last weekend! The weather was just right so we were able to use our basement, our new screened porch and the backyard. The Bag-o game was a hit with all the kids.

I think Jonathan was a bit overwhelmed by it all. Not sure he cracked a smile the whole time and even while eating his cake he alternated between shoveling frosting into his mouth and making sad faces and whimpers. It was all a bit much for little man, but the rest of us had a good time.

Last time I mentioned he is saying "ball" now - is he ever!! First thing when he wakes up in the morning - "Ball?" Last thing he says as we lay him in his crib at night, softly, longingly - "Bahhhhhh..." And about every two minutes in between too.

We made the transition to cow's milk this week - he appears to not have noticed, and in traditional Jonathan style, has gulped it down happily.

Every month with Jonathan just gets better and better. I wonder if that's true forever, or if in a couple of years we'll look back and think, "I wish we could go back to _____ age - that was the peak of adorableness." So far anyway, he just gets more precious and fun each day.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

One Year Old!

Our sweet, amazing, goofy little boy is one today. This year has been crazy, stressful and wonderful, all at the same time. We love our little man so much!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

2 weeks

It's been two weeks since I've blogged! Bad blogger. Lots has been going on, and maybe that's why. But of course I have to make time when lots is going on, because that's when I have the most to talk about.

Here is the abbreviated version:

We have been busy getting ready for Jonathan's first birthday and having a bunch of people - Jer's family and my huge family over to our house. We are hoping for nice weather so that we can use our new screened in porch and backyard. I am really looking forward to it!

Jonathan is incredibly fun and silly. He is moving around at quite the brisk clip and standing up with ease, even when he barely has anything to pull up on. He now imitates our facial expressions pretty well and our favorites are -

"Tthhhpppt!!!!" (tongue out, spit flying)
"Squishy Face" (an old favorite, currently making a comeback)
"Show me all your teeth" (working on this one)

Speaking of teeth, he now has two on the bottom and four coming in at the same time on the top. Every once in a while when he laughs you can see all of them, and I didn't think it was possible, but he looks even cuter with all those mini teeth.

Finally, I joked last time that he had said his first word (either "touchdown" or "uh-oh") but he doesn't know how to use it, so I don't think it really counts. But Jer and I agree that this weekend, he started using his real first word, "ball." He LOVES to roll his little basketball around the house and started calling it by name yesterday - "BAH." Sometimes he gets really excited while chasing it and babbles "ba-BAH, ba-BAH, ba-BAH."

OK, that's enough of a boring Jonathan update for now. Next time I'll post some photos, promise!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Jonathan has officially said his first word. "UHT-Ooooooo." This either means "uh-oh", something we've been saying a lot of lately now that he is mobile, or "Touchdown!" which we have been teaching him for the last week now that football season is upon us.

Sadly, while watching Saturday's FSU game, there was not much "UHT-Ooooooo"ing to practice.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Learning to let go

Jonathan has always slept on his back at night. I have been super paranoid about SIDS and we have been lucky that even once he figured out how to flip over, he stayed put at night.

No longer.

Now, even when we place him on his back, he flips over within a couple of hours and sleeps on his tummy til morning.

Time to let go of the fear and just realize that he is getting to be a big boy, and it's ok for him to sleep on his tummy now.

::Deep breaths::

Here is how I found him Wednesday morning.
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Switching Gears

Ok, so my last post was pretty "complain"y, so now that I've calmed down and Jonathan is in the middle of a nice long afternoon nap (that I successfully put him down for - woo), I would like to share some fun and happy new things in the world of Jonathan:

- He shakes his head now - I don't think he means "no" exactly, but he does it when he is annoyed or doesn't want to do something. I think it is super cute.

- He loves to give raspberries, both spontaneously and imitating us. Spit flies everywhere. Also quite cute.

- He "woofs" like a dog. It sounds like "Ah, ah, ah!" But he is definitely trying to woof.

- Sometimes when I am holding him and he gets really happy - sees Jeremy or a daycare teacher he loves - he sort of plunges his head into my chest with a big grin on his face and says "eeeeeeeee," his little "I'm so happy I can't even stand it" sound.

- He FINALLY is getting one of his top teeth in. After four months of nothing, tooth-wise.

- He loves swings and makes the cutest faces when he is on them. See below.

- He is so affectionate. He'll be in the middle of playing on the floor, come over to me, climb on my legs, pull on my shirt to stand up and squeeze my neck with all his little 11 month old might. LOVE.

Nap Nightmare

I am soooo frustrated with Jonathan's naps.

It's gotten to the point that I dread the weekends because I don't know how his napping is going to be. Which, frankly, sucks, because the weekend is our time with our baby and I don't want to dread what is basically the only time I get to spend with him.

At daycare, they are fully on the one nap schedule now. They claimed that if he was showing signs of exhaustion in the morning, they would let him sleep, but at daycare, he is so distracted by the other children and all the fun they are having that he doesn't act sleepy. He seems to be doing ok with the one nap, actually. During the week that is.

But on the weekends, he is just at home, with boring old mom and dad. He shows signs of being sleepy at 9ish, but I CANNOT get him to sleep. Jer has better luck, but even still, it is such a battle now compared with only a few weeks ago, when he was predictably sleepy at 9 and 1:30PM.

Yesterday we tried one nap but it was an utter failure. He fell asleep three times for five minute naplets in the morning as we tried in vain to keep him up. Then at 12, which is daycare's naptime, I couldn't get him to sleep, even after 30 minutes of trying. Of course Jer swept in and got him asleep in 15 minutes. How long did he sleep? 30 minutes.

All this on top of Jonathan waking up more frequently in the night and earlier and earlier in the morning lately. Plus, last night we had another episode of croup which kept the whole family up until midnight.

Now I have no idea what the right thing to do is - should we try to keep him up until 12 every day, to be consistent with daycare, even though he is clearly exhausted by then? Or should we try to put him down for a morning nap, inconsistent with the weekdays, which he is fighting off anyway?

I am angry at daycare for forcing this on us. I am annoyed that Jeremy can get Jonathan to sleep and lately I can't. And with the exception of learning to breastfeed in the early weeks, I have never been so frustrated with motherhood.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bye-Bye to the first 11 months

Jonathan waved bye-bye for the first time today - to one of his favorite daycare teachers, Miss Debra. :)

And as of yesterday, he is 11 months old. Here are some pics we took of him to commemorate this occasion. We have a silly, silly little goose on our hands.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Weekend Recap

I hate when Jeremy goes out of town.

I never sleep as well - every little creak of the house makes me jump out of my already light sleep. Add to that a wrong number call at 5:47am and Jeremy's alarm going off at 6:25am on Saturday, followed by Jonathan waking up crying at 5am this morning and we have a weekend of crappy sleep.

We had some fun times this weekend though.

Saturday I had a great time with Lani at The Sound of Music, which was my birthday present from Jer. Conveniently, his fantasy football drafts were scheduled for this weekend in Jacksonville, so he was, sadly, unable to go with me. That's ok, I would much rather go with Lani, who can appreciate a little "Doe a Deer."

Today was a little rougher. After a morning with no nap, not for lack of (me) trying, we went to the sprayground with Jodi and Noah (friends from my Mom and Me group). We had a great time - definitely the highlight of the day. But as the day wore on, he pretty much melted down at the drop of a hat from lack of sleep.

We are in an awkward phase right now where he is transitioning from two naps to one - thanks to daycare and their ridiculous one-nap policy. After today's battles, I am thinking it is time to give in to the inevitable and move him to one nap on the weekends too.

Jer's home now and I'm looking forward to a better night's sleep. Here's hoping...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Quick Photo Update

No time to blog much tonight, but suffice it to say that we had a GREAT weekend of Jack Johnson (thanks, Jennifer and Graham!!!), lunch with Jer's family, dinner with Jodi, Justin and Sydney (4.5 months) and lunch with Nancy, Mark and Sammy (15 months).

A couple of cute photos from this week -

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Jonathan was bitten at daycare today.

They called me to let me know and sent him home with an incident report sheet detailing the procedures when a child is bitten/scratched/spat upon. Ah the things we can look forward to with toddlerhood.

Monkey man has two nasty little red marks on his arm. :(

Of course, it couldn't have left too much of an impression (well, other than the physical one) because he was in a great mood when I picked him up, babbling and giggling to himself the whole way home.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Rough Night

Fingers crossed that this is a short-lived phase.

As I mentioned last week, Jonathan has suddenly taken several large developmental steps forward over the last couple of weeks. The most exciting moment happened last Thursday when he started crawling.

But up until now, he hadn't been able to get himself into a sitting position from lying down. Each night we'd lay him down to sleep and each night he'd stay lying down until morning, at which point he would proclaim, "Mother, I have awakened. Please come in to retrieve me now" (translated roughly from the original Baby, "Eh, eh, eh AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!").

Saturday morning when I got that wake up call at 6:20 (thanks a lot, Monkey), I walked in to his room to find him sitting up, in the corner of his crib.

Getting into a sitting position - CHECK!

Well, that's all fine and dandy, until it comes time to go to sleep, I lay him in his crib and he realizes, "Hey, wait a minute. I don't have to take this lying down!"

Commence 40 minutes of screaming last night while on his knees, holding onto the bars of his crib. Finally Jeremy went up to rock him to sleep, a habit I DO NOT want to get into (again). He was finally asleep a little after nine, only to awaken again at eleven, at which point I rocked him to sleep, only for him to wake again as I lay him down. Happily, I guess he was so worn out that time that he didn't get back up again because he only cried for a few minutes and went to sleep.

I think he only got about nine hours of sleep last night and he usually gets eleven plus. It's going to be an interesting day at school.

I'm just hoping this is not the new normal and simply a side effect of learning this new skill that he will soon tire of.

Fingers crossed.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Them's fightin' words

OK you guys.

I am sorry to have to get on my soapbox, but sometimes the stupidity of others CANNOT be ignored.

Backstory - I am on a listserv of moms that leans towards a very pro-breastfeeding, cloth diapering, attachment parenting mindset. That's cool. I am pretty middle of the road with those things. To each his own, etc.

But when the topic of vaccines gets brought up, my blood boils a little bit. Many women in that group prefer to delay or space them out, which while I don't agree with, I think CAN be done responsibly if you have educated yourself first (Dr. Sears' recommendations, for example).

HOWEVER, today a lady asked the group to recommend a pediatrician who would support her decision not to vaccinate. At all. To intentionally expose her child and others around him/her to measles, pertussis and any number of other DEADLY diseases.

So I emailed her - directly, without copying all - to ask her to please reconsider and provided a link to the article I posted to Facebook.

Here is her well-researched and thoughtful response:

"There is a doctor in Chicago who doent vaccinate his patients and his patients eat healthy diets. None of his patients in 30 years (1000's) have had ADD, ADHD, the flu, cavities, learning problems, none are obese, and all walked and talked early...not an article, but real life."

You guys.

Blood. Boiling.

By the way, I just couldn't help myself and had to respond. An epically idiotic statement like that couldn't just sit out there in the universe without being dealt with.

Plus, I'm kind of obnoxious like that.

My reply:
Wait, you seriously believe that of THOUSANDS of people, NONE have EVER had the flu or cavities?? You are more gullible than I originally thought. Do what you will with your child but please have him/her stay away from mine.


I have this compulsive need to have the last word / be right. As a child I constantly fought (and lost) the battle to control myself and just let other people think what they want. Now, as an adult, I usually win that battle with myself and honestly it's refreshing to just let things go.

But not with this issue. It's just too important. So if I need to act like a 5 year old to get my point across, I will.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


For the longest time, as I have mentioned before, Jonathan was on the verge of so many milestones. But they lay just out of his reach.

Now, suddenly over the last week, he has achieved so much, so quickly. To (majorly) paraphrase Britney Spears, he's "not a baby, not yet a boy."

In the past week alone, he has started:
- Giving high fives
- Clapping
- And just today...drumroll please...CRAWLING!!

I swore Jonathan would be one of those kids that never crawled. And the level of baby proofing in our house reflects that belief.

Guess Jer and I need to dust off the boxes of baby gates and cabinet latches that have been sitting around for four months and get to installing this weekend!

Amelia Island - in pictures

I swear - Jeremy, Ryan, Nancy, Tom, Carson and Brad were there too. It's kind of funny when you look back through your pictures and realize that you completely missed getting pictures of 3/4 of the people who were there! Guess that's life with kids.