Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Jonathan has been so close to taking his first steps for such a long time. He's been crawling for over three months and cruising like a champ for even longer. But each time it looked like he would let go of whatever he was holding onto to go for a toy, he would let go with one hand, step towards it with one foot, but timidly keep that other hand on the table, not quite brave enough to take the plunge.

But not Sunday! Sunday, while we were at my parents' house, Jonathan took about 4 little jerky steps, all on his own. His sweet little face lit up with excitement as we all held our breaths and watched. Each day since then he has repeated his performance, if only very briefly. His balance is actually pretty good - maybe because he is almost 14 months already.

I find myself really looking forward to him truly walking on his own. I imagine the fun times we'll have with our little toddler. He'll wobble around adorably, so proud of himself. He'll run up to us for snuggles when he falls down. Jeremy and I will walk with him between us, bending down to hold his little hands.

I am loving this age of new exciting things - walking and talking. Each day I can't wait to see what he'll do next.

1 comment:

  1. Walking = trouble! Mobile children are fun and a challenge! Enjoy this new phase!
