Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cute stuff Jonathan does

Jonathan has started throwing tantrums lately and it is bizarre to see our happy go-lucky little guy totally break down in fits. So instead of focusing on that, let's make this blog entry about positive, cute things Jonathan has done lately!

- We were playing in the basement at the bottom of the stairs when all of a sudden Jeremy appeared at the doorway at the top. Jonathan looked up in surprise and squealed, "DadAAAAAA!!" It was the first time we were sure he said that word with meaning behind it.

- He has started taking a couple of quick steps from me to Jer and vice versa. We aren't really considering them his first steps because he has zero balance and really just falls forward into our arms. He gets so excited when he does it though.

- The other morning, I had Jonathan in my arms and we were saying goodbye to Jer. Jer kissed Jonathan and then he kissed me, a little peck on the lips. Jonathan watched this and did a little double take. He looked at me with these big wide eyes, gave a little smile and buried his head in my chest.

Looking forward to staying at a cabin with Jodi, Justin and Sydney this weekend in Blue Ridge. Pictures from that (and Halloween) to come!

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