Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Zoo

We took Jonathan to the zoo today. I think he enjoyed it, but he wasn't quite as smiley and excited as I expected. I think he may have been kind of amazed and shocked at all the animals he saw. I'm pretty sure he just assumed they were all weird-looking dogs ("oyggies") since that's the only animal he's ever seen before. In addition to "Oyggie" he did keep exclaiming "Wow" and "UpBoi!" (Oh boy?) and doing a lot of pointing. My sister Jennifer and her cute daughters Claudia and Rebecca came and we grabbed dinner at Nuevo Laredo afterwards. It was a lot of fun!

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps now you need to get a family pass so you don't feel obligated to spend your whole day there. He'll love it as he gets older.
