Sunday, September 5, 2010

Switching Gears

Ok, so my last post was pretty "complain"y, so now that I've calmed down and Jonathan is in the middle of a nice long afternoon nap (that I successfully put him down for - woo), I would like to share some fun and happy new things in the world of Jonathan:

- He shakes his head now - I don't think he means "no" exactly, but he does it when he is annoyed or doesn't want to do something. I think it is super cute.

- He loves to give raspberries, both spontaneously and imitating us. Spit flies everywhere. Also quite cute.

- He "woofs" like a dog. It sounds like "Ah, ah, ah!" But he is definitely trying to woof.

- Sometimes when I am holding him and he gets really happy - sees Jeremy or a daycare teacher he loves - he sort of plunges his head into my chest with a big grin on his face and says "eeeeeeeee," his little "I'm so happy I can't even stand it" sound.

- He FINALLY is getting one of his top teeth in. After four months of nothing, tooth-wise.

- He loves swings and makes the cutest faces when he is on them. See below.

- He is so affectionate. He'll be in the middle of playing on the floor, come over to me, climb on my legs, pull on my shirt to stand up and squeeze my neck with all his little 11 month old might. LOVE.


  1. Love that he's such an enthusiastic swinger that he lost a shoe!

  2. Indeed he is! Happens every time. In fact this weekend we went back and he lost one shoe, then a sock, and then the shoe from the other foot!
