Sunday, September 26, 2010

2 weeks

It's been two weeks since I've blogged! Bad blogger. Lots has been going on, and maybe that's why. But of course I have to make time when lots is going on, because that's when I have the most to talk about.

Here is the abbreviated version:

We have been busy getting ready for Jonathan's first birthday and having a bunch of people - Jer's family and my huge family over to our house. We are hoping for nice weather so that we can use our new screened in porch and backyard. I am really looking forward to it!

Jonathan is incredibly fun and silly. He is moving around at quite the brisk clip and standing up with ease, even when he barely has anything to pull up on. He now imitates our facial expressions pretty well and our favorites are -

"Tthhhpppt!!!!" (tongue out, spit flying)
"Squishy Face" (an old favorite, currently making a comeback)
"Show me all your teeth" (working on this one)

Speaking of teeth, he now has two on the bottom and four coming in at the same time on the top. Every once in a while when he laughs you can see all of them, and I didn't think it was possible, but he looks even cuter with all those mini teeth.

Finally, I joked last time that he had said his first word (either "touchdown" or "uh-oh") but he doesn't know how to use it, so I don't think it really counts. But Jer and I agree that this weekend, he started using his real first word, "ball." He LOVES to roll his little basketball around the house and started calling it by name yesterday - "BAH." Sometimes he gets really excited while chasing it and babbles "ba-BAH, ba-BAH, ba-BAH."

OK, that's enough of a boring Jonathan update for now. Next time I'll post some photos, promise!

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