Sunday, June 26, 2011


Just a quick note today to talk about a few of the cute things Jonathan says:

Said when referring to himself, things that are his, and also whenever we bring out our phones or computers - because he believes that the sole purpose of those devices is to display pictures of...well, Jonathan.

"Gocka ball"
Refers to his soccer ball. Also used to describe the photo of our beloved late dog, whose picture is still hanging in our hall. We like to go through the pictures and talk about which doggy is which. Emmy, Kahlua and Oscar have become "Eee," "LaLa" and "Gocka Ball." We find this so adorable.

"Uh-tide down!"
Shouted when daddy grabs him by the ankles and flips him upside down in the air. Giggles and requests of "'gain?!" ensue.

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