Monday, June 20, 2011

Can I even catch up or are we too far gone?

Once you've abandoned your blog for 3 weeks, you start to think, "there is so much to update, I can't even bring myself to try."

But I'm not giving up on the blog! So, to all of my legions of readers, you'll just have to deal with the quickest three-week-update of all time.!

Jer and I went on a Baltic cruise - the weather was beautiful, we met some fun people on the boat and saw some cool cities and cathedrals.

Jonathan meanwhile was living the life with Grandma and Papa, aunts, uncles and cousins. I knew he had a great time when they pulled out of the driveway and Jonathan gazed forlornly out of the window, lower lip quivering, sharp little intakes of breath threatening to erupt into full hysterics at any moment. He held it together though, and things are back to normal now.

Except that in the 11 days we were gone, he is a completely new, grown up boy.

Exhibit A - when we asked him if he had fun playing with cousin Maggie, he said, "I pay wif Mannie!" I swear he did. He said it twice. I have never heard him put more than two intelligible words together.

Exhibit B - "Buttball" is now "Beatball." I am not sure that is really progress towards the real word, "football," but it is a big change - he'd been talking about "buttball" for 6 months.

Exhibit C - Yes and No! He was saying "no" before like any good 1 year old, but now he will say in a quick little breathy voice, "No, no, no, no" while shaking his head and turning away. And while he still doesn't say "yes," he will smile broadly and nod his head.

We missed our sweet little boy so much. I don't ever want to be away from him that long again. Remind me that I said this when he's a teenager.

1 comment:

  1. That was it?! I need more! Those dang kids do grow up, even when you're not around.
