Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bye-Bye Trunk

Here's a cute little moment from tonight that we want to remember.

He loves elephants and requests his animal books all the time, getting especially excited about the pages with elephants on them. He also loves a song from music class about elephants - at the end he likes to raise his arm and make the trumpeting noise.

But he can't say "elephant" yet. He calls them "trunk."

Tonight, after we sang the elephant song, Jonathan noticed one of his elephant toys on the rocking chair in his room.

"Trunk?" "Trunk?" He looked worried, and ran over to it to point emphatically. "Trunk??"

"Yes, Jonathan, that's an elephant who has a trunk. But now we have to say bye-bye to the elephant and go to bed."

Waving slowly, Jonathan sadly said,

"Bye-bye trunk (babble babble babble)"

"Bye-bye trunk (babble babble babble)"

"Bye-bye trunk (babble babble babble)."

Jer and I started to laugh. The harder we laughed, the more he said it and the more somber his sweet little face became.

Love that kid so much.

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