Friday, April 15, 2011

Bit by bit, no longer a baby

One more sign that our baby is a big boy now. Saying bye-bye to the paci.

Jonathan's paci, or "bappy" as he lovingly refers to it, has been a staple for the last 18.5 months in getting him to sleep, calming him in the car and just generally...well...pacifying him. Over the past few months we've reduced the usage occasions of the paci.

No paci at daycare for naptime - he sleeps fine without it.
No paci if we're just hangin' around the house and he happens to be cranky.
No more taking the paci out in the diaper bag in case he gets fussy at dinner.
The paci is not always available in the car when he gets mad about being strapped in for too long.

But the naptime (at home) and nighttime paci has always been there for him. Jer and I have been scared to change anything since he tends to be a pretty good sleeper, and really, how much harm can a paci do to a kid's mouth if it's just during naps and night anyway?

But a couple of times recently we've put him to bed without it. Just to see. We told ourselves if he asks for it by name, we would give it to him. The first time, he cried a bit, but no desperate pleas of "bappy?? bappy???" Then he slept fine until halfway through the night when he woke up crying. Jer gave him the paci.

The second time, last night, he went to bed with no crying and slept all the way through. He didn't even miss it. Could this be the beginning of the end for the pacifier? Only time will tell.

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