Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day

Today was a snow day! 5 inches of snow, one of the largest snowfalls in my memory in Atlanta. The beautiful fluffy snow of this morning turned treacherous with sleet and freezing rain falling all day so of course the entire city was shut down and will continue to be shut down through tomorrow.

If Jonathan were 3 or 4 and if Jer and I didn't have the kind of jobs that don't care if it's a snow day, maybe it would have been a little more exciting. However, a 15-month-old + two parents attempting to get work done is not the formula for a fun snow day.

Jonathan was not a fan.

In parental silliness news, Jer went outside all excited to make his first snowman (a Florida boy, after all) but unfortunately it was late in the day after the icy layer had solidified over the snow and his efforts were thwarted. And both Jer and I enjoyed one quick slide down the neighbor's driveway on our plastic ironing board cover. I could have done that all day!

1 comment:

  1. Are those plastic bags on his feet? I'd cry too! Time to invest in snow boots since ATL is turning into a winter wonderland as of late.
