Saturday, January 22, 2011

Proof that he is my son

Jonathan is quite the talker. He doesn't have some astronomical number of actual words. He isn't saying, "Mother dear, may I please have a glass of water" or anything, but he just never stops talking! For the most part, in his own little language.

"Daddeee!! Buttball, boysha boysha nabalada ah-ah. Ball."

But he does have a pretty good number of actual words under his belt at this point, so I thought I would chronicle them here:

Football ("buttball")
"Ah-ah" - the sound every animal makes
Daddy - useful for describing actual daddy, plus mommy and any other person in the vicinity
What's This? (which is an embarrassing one because it sounds like "Oh Sh*t")
Get down / sit down ("Dit Dee")
Shoe ("Sssssss")
Throw it ("Ba-doh it!")

Just today he started saying "No-no-no-no-no" a bunch. I don't think he meant it to mean "no" but maybe I'm wrong and this is the start of true toddlerhood. In the words of Jonathan, "Oh Sh*t."

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