Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sippy cup confusion, diaper rash hell

Things have been crazy lately. I feel like I can barely catch my breath. I just launched a new product at work that has required a ton of work, and on top of that, Jonathan has been sick with a terrible fever and now the most stubborn, yeast-infested diaper rash of all time.

Doctor visits, expensive prescription creams and still it continues to spread and turn his whole diaper area crimson and sand-papery. It's gotten to the point that he won't stay still for diaper changes and tries to reach down and scratch because it itches so much. Screaming and crying all the time. We might be turning the corner now with a huge production of butt-soaking in the sink, Lotrimin AF and messy corn starch that has gotten everywhere.

Also, a quick note about sippy cups: they suck. After visiting Babies R Us, Publix, Target and Walmart ::shudder:: I finally found ONE two-pack of sippies that doesn't include a pink or purple cup. Do they not make sippies for boys??? And we are struggling to find a spout that he will drink from. Since switching to cow's milk his liquid intake has gone WAY down. I worry that he isn't getting enough fluids.

Life is definitely a little on the hectic side right now. Hoping for calmer times and smoother bottoms ahead.

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