Saturday, October 9, 2010

Jonathan's Party

We had such a great time with Jonathan's party last weekend! The weather was just right so we were able to use our basement, our new screened porch and the backyard. The Bag-o game was a hit with all the kids.

I think Jonathan was a bit overwhelmed by it all. Not sure he cracked a smile the whole time and even while eating his cake he alternated between shoveling frosting into his mouth and making sad faces and whimpers. It was all a bit much for little man, but the rest of us had a good time.

Last time I mentioned he is saying "ball" now - is he ever!! First thing when he wakes up in the morning - "Ball?" Last thing he says as we lay him in his crib at night, softly, longingly - "Bahhhhhh..." And about every two minutes in between too.

We made the transition to cow's milk this week - he appears to not have noticed, and in traditional Jonathan style, has gulped it down happily.

Every month with Jonathan just gets better and better. I wonder if that's true forever, or if in a couple of years we'll look back and think, "I wish we could go back to _____ age - that was the peak of adorableness." So far anyway, he just gets more precious and fun each day.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for cow's milk! The BEST to going from diapers to underwear.
