Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Froggy Potty!

We recently purchased a potty for Jonathan. It arrived about a week ago and he's been sitting on it every night since.

It was pretty cute to watch him attempt to sit on it for the first time. He was practically standing on his head in front of it, trying to figure out how to get on that thing. Now he's got it down to a science and it's his favorite part of the evening. He sits, we read three books, including a new book about going on the potty which he really enjoys, and then we have to practically drag him off of that thing for bathtime.

No actual pottying has occurred yet (unless you count the time he stood two feet in front of the potty and peed all over the floor), but we're just taking it slow. For now, I'm just glad "Time to go sit on the potty, Jonathan" is getting him to go upstairs willingly at night!


  1. Awesome! That's great that you are introducing it early. Good luck!

  2. How funny, we have the exact same potty! I think it's great that Jonathan has a positive attitude toward it, and you are definitely smart not to push it.
