Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Since it's been a while - a 2 part entry

Lately I've been doing some things outside of the family - some work stuff, and some fun "me time" things, including some dance classes. :) The unfortunate side effect of these activities is less time with Jer and Jonathan.

I think of our lives now as a difficult balance between four things -
- work
- nuclear family
- extended family and friends
- me time

I do believe that we can truly have it all. Just not all in one day, one week or even, sometimes in one month. Now I'm ready to spend some more quality J&J time for the next little while.

On to cute things Jonathan has done lately -

- He has started "giving kisses" which really just consists of him making a kissy face, smacking sounds and leaning distractedly in the general direction of the kissee.

- He adores bubbles in any form and we've started to give him bubble baths. In the evening, when I mention off-hand to Jeremy that it is his bathtime, Jonathan perks up, screams "Bubbooooooooo!!" and races for the stairs. When we get upstairs, he runs to the bath as I start it, repeats "Bubboooo, bubboooo" and fully clothed, hoists his leg up to try to get into the tub.

- Jonathan has a little blankie with a dog head that he snuggles with every night in his crib. The last couple of nights when it was time for him to go to sleep, we've handed him the doggie and he has immediately walked over to his crib, pointed at it and looked up at us, as if to say "ok, put me in there already." He's a good little sleeper.

- He has finally started saying "mommy." Jeremy usually gets him dressed in the mornings while I get the car packed up. When the boys come downstairs, right before they turn the corner into the kitchen, Jer asks, "Jonathan, can you say 'mommy?'" When I hear that sweet little voice say "mommy" and then see that toothy smile grow bigger when we make eye contact, it's the sweetest moment of my day.


  1. So he's running and climbing already!! And it sounds like he has a Blue Dog of his own:-) I feel like I need to finally meet this little guy. I bet he and William would have a blast ... maybe we can work something out this summer?

  2. Debbie - I would LOVE that! Don't forget - you met him in December '09 when we were there for a wedding - but he's changed a little since then. ;) And I know William has too. I think the boys would have a blast together!
