Monday, December 13, 2010

File this under "things I don't want to forget"

We had such a fantastic weekend with our friends the Scotts from Orlando! Vic is the singer in a band called Dirty Shannon and was in town to play at a couple of different venues, including a neat old apartment building-turned hotel in midtown. Just for fun, we hired a dog sitter and got a room at the hotel for Saturday night so we could see him perform.

The music was out in the courtyard, right in the center of the hotel - it was such a cool layout! It was really cold out, but Jonathan and I snagged one of their soft, cushy chairs with plenty of room for both of us. They even had fleece blankets at each spot so we snuggled underneath the blanket and enjoyed the music. Jonathan sat still the whole time Vic played, his eyes fixated on the stage. :)

During the next band, he did get a little restless, so I let him walk around the table and he charmed some of the other folks sitting around us. Meanwhile, Sweet little Marli, Vic and Michelle's baby, lay sleeping in her momma's arms. Such a great night.

The next morning, Jonathan let us sleep late. Then when he got up, I gave him a cup of milk and then something wonderful happened - our independent, active little boy snuggled up against me and dozed for another 20 minutes. Heaven.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun weekend! Especially the extra 20 minutes of sleep part.
